
Content Creation for Social Media - Short Course


€650 Enrol

Full course description

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Master the art of crafting compelling content for social media with our Short Course in Content Creation for Social Media. This course covers a comprehensive range of topics, including an Introduction to social media, deep dives into various platforms, an exploration of the framework, building blocks, and technology behind successful social media content, and practical guidance on creating and measuring the impact of your messages.

In this course, you'll gain valuable insights to harness the power of different social media platforms, understand their nuances, and leverage cutting-edge technology to create content that resonates with your target audience. Learn to craft messages that engage, inform, and inspire while measuring their effectiveness to refine your content strategy.

Duration: 24 hours


This course will expose learners to social media by illustrating the building blocks, various forms, technology, framework and the process of creating an amplified social media message.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Illustrate the building blocks of social media.
  2. Identify the various forms of social media.
  3. Explore social media technology.
  4. Explain how to create a social media framework.
  5. Understand how to amplify the social media message.